Safeguarding Your Strands: Preventing and Managing Hair Loss After Salon Treatments

Hair loss is a distressing experience, especially after a visit to the salon. While designed to enhance the beauty and health of your hair, various salon treatments can sometimes lead to unexpected hair loss due to the chemicals and heat involved. Knowing the causes and how to prevent hair loss can help you maintain the luscious locks you desire without sacrificing your hair’s health.

Key Takeaway: 

  • Identify the Culprits: Recognize which salon treatments are most likely to cause hair loss. Chemical treatments like coloring, perming, and heat treatments such as blow drying and straightening can weaken hair and lead to breakage and shedding.
  • Immediate Action Steps: If you notice hair loss after a salon treatment, mitigate further damage immediately. This includes consulting a dermatologist, altering your hair care routine, and using products designed to strengthen and repair hair.
  • Prevention is Key: Preventing hair loss starts with choosing the right salon and stylist, preparing your hair correctly before treatments, and adopting a gentle post-treatment care routine. Regularly using protective products and limiting the frequency of damaging therapies can help keep your hair healthy and strong.

Understanding Hair Loss

Hair loss, medically known as alopecia, can occur for various reasons and in different forms. These are the most typical forms of hair loss:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia: This kind, also known as male or female pattern baldness, is commonly inherited and characterized by a progressive thinning of hair, mainly at the crown and temples in men and throughout the entire scalp in women.
  • Telogen Effluvium: This occurs when many hair follicles reach the telogen phase simultaneously, causing extensive shedding. Stress, hormonal changes, or traumatic events often trigger it.
  • Alopecia Areata: When the immune system accidentally targets hair follicles, this autoimmune illness results in a circular region of hair loss on the scalp and other body parts.
  • Traction Alopecia: Caused by continuous pulling or tension on the hair, often due to tight hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, or extensions.

Causes of Hair Loss Related to Salon Treatments

Salon treatments, while enhancing your hair’s appearance and health, can sometimes lead to hair loss. This is typically due to the chemicals, heat, and physical stress involved in these treatments. Let’s explore the main culprits:

Chemical Treatments

  • Hair Coloring: Permanent hair dyes can cause breakage and loss because they contain harsh chemicals like ammonia and peroxide that deplete hair’s natural moisture and damage the hair shaft.
  • Perming: Using chemicals to break and reform the hair’s natural bonds to create curls or waves. If not done correctly or adequately cared for afterward, this process can significantly weaken hair and cause it to break.
  • Relaxing: Chemical relaxers break down the hair’s protein structure to make it straight. This process can be extremely harsh and, if not done correctly, can lead to severe damage and hair loss.

Heat Treatments

  • Blow Drying: Excessive use of blow dryers, especially on high heat, can dry out the hair and scalp, making the hair more prone to breakage.
  • Straightening and Curling: Frequent use of flat irons and curling irons damage the hair shaft, causing split ends and breakage. The high temperatures can weaken the hair and cause it to become brittle.

Physical Stress

  • Tight Hairstyles: Styles that pull tightly on the hair, such as ponytails, braids, and weaves, can cause tension in the hair follicles. Over time, this continuous tension leads to traction alopecia, where the hair is pulled out from the roots.
  • Excessive Brushing: While brushing can help distribute natural oils throughout the hair, excessive brushing or using an inappropriate brush leads to breakage and damage. It’s essential to use gentle strokes and a brush suited to your hair type.

Common Salon Treatments Leading to Hair Loss

Salon treatments are designed to enhance hair beauty and manageability, but some can lead to hair loss if not done correctly or if the hair is not adequately cared for afterward. Here, we will discuss some common salon treatments and their potential effects on hair health.

Hair Coloring and Bleaching

  • Hair Coloring: Ammonia and peroxide, two potent chemicals used in permanent hair colors, can penetrate the hair shaft and deposit color. This procedure may make your hair look brighter and more glossy, but it may also deplete it of its natural oils and moisture. Regular coloring may damage the hair shaft over time, making it more fragile.
  • Bleaching: Bleaching involves using a high concentration of peroxide to strip the natural pigment from the hair. This process can be highly damaging, breaking down the hair’s protein structure, leading to significant weakening and an increased risk of breakage. Hair that has been bleached requires extra care and conditioning to prevent damage and hair loss.

Perming and Relaxing

  • Perming: This chemical treatment involves breaking and reforming the bonds in the hair to make curls or waves. The chemicals used in perming, such as ammonium thioglycolate, can weaken the hair shaft. If the perming process is not done correctly or the hair is not adequately cared for afterward, it can lead to significant hair damage and breakage.
  • Relaxing: Chemical relaxers straighten naturally curly or textured hair by breaking down the protein structure. This process can be extremely harsh on the hair, especially if done frequently or improperly. Hair breakage and loss can result from the extreme weakening of hair caused by the overuse of relaxers.

Keratin Treatments

  • Brazilian blowouts, another name for keratin treatments, entail putting a keratin-based product into the hair and heating it to seal it. While these treatments can make hair smoother and more manageable, the high heat used during the process can weaken the hair shaft. Furthermore, formaldehyde and other harsh chemicals used in some keratin treatments can harm the hair and scalp and, if used excessively, result in hair loss.

Heat Styling

  • Blow Drying: Regular blow dryers, especially on high heat settings, can dry out the hair and scalp, making it more prone to breakage. To minimize damage, use a heat protectant spray and keep the blow dryer at a lower heat setting.
  • Flat Ironing and Curling: Regular curling and flat irons can seriously harm hair. The high heat may weaken the hair shaft, resulting in breakage and split ends. To preserve your hair, use a heat protectant and refrain from using these instruments daily.

Hair Extensions and Weaves

  • Hair Extensions: While extensions add length and volume, they can strain your natural hair. Traction alopecia may result from the weight of the extensions and the tension involved in connecting them. When hair is pulled out from the roots due to ongoing stress, hair loss of this kind happens.
  • Weaves: Similar to extensions, weaves involve braiding the natural hair tightly and sewing in additional hair. The tension from the braids and the weight of the weave can stress the hair follicles, leading to breakage and hair loss if not done correctly or left in for too long.

Immediate Steps to Take if Experiencing Hair Loss

Experiencing hair loss after a salon treatment can be alarming. Acting quickly to minimize further damage and start the recovery process is essential. This section will guide you through identifying the signs of treatment-induced hair loss, the immediate steps to take, and the products to use and avoid during recovery.

Identifying the Signs of Treatment-Induced Hair Loss

Recognizing the signs of hair loss caused by salon treatments is crucial for taking timely action. Common signs include:

  • Increased Shedding: Noticeable hair fall while brushing, washing, or even on your pillow.
  • Thinning Hair: Overall reduction in hair density, making the scalp more visible.
  • Breakage: Short, broken hair pieces, especially around the hairline or the crown.
  • Dry and Brittle Hair: Hair feels dry and rough and easily snaps when pulled gently.

First Steps to Take

If you notice these signs, immediately addressing the issue and preventing further damage is essential.

Consult a Dermatologist

  • Make an appointment with a dermatologist or trichologist (a specialist in hair and scalp problems) to determine the extent of the damage and get expert advice on possible treatments.

Change Your Hair Care Routine

  • Reduce Frequency of Treatments: Avoid further chemical or heat treatments until your hair recovers.
  • Gentle Handling: Carefully handle your hair, avoiding excessive brushing, tight hairstyles, and harsh hair accessories.
  • Hydrate and Nourish: Use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners to restore lost moisture.

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

  • Balanced Diet: Ensure your diet has the vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy hair, like biotin, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your hair hydrated from within.
  • Stress Management: Practice stress-relieving activities like yoga, meditation, or regular exercise to reduce stress, which can contribute to hair loss.

Products to Use and Avoid During the Recovery Phase

The right products are essential for promoting hair recovery and preventing further damage. Here’s a table to guide you on what to use and what to avoid:

Products to Use Benefits Products to Avoid Risks
Sulfate-Free Shampoo Gentle cleansing without stripping natural oils Sulfate-Containing Shampoo It can strip hair of natural oils, making it dry and brittle
Deep Conditioning Treatments Provide intense hydration and nourishment Harsh Chemical Treatments Further weakens the hair shaft and causes additional damage
Leave-In Conditioners Add moisture and protect hair throughout the day Alcohol-Based Products It can dry out hair and scalp
Hair Oils (e.g., Argan Oil, Coconut Oil) Strengthen and moisturize hair and reduce breakage. Heat Styling Products Apply heat that can cause further damage to weakened hair
Protein Treatments Rebuild and strengthen the hair shaft Frequent Hair Dyes Contain chemicals that can exacerbate hair loss

Preventive Measures

Maintaining healthy hair requires proactive steps before, during, and after salon treatments. Following recommended procedures and making educated decisions can lower your risk of hair loss and damage. This section provides guidelines on choosing the right salon and stylist, pre-treatment and post-treatment hair care, and tips for minimizing damage from chemical and heat treatments.

Best Practices for Maintaining Healthy Hair

Choosing the Right Salon and Stylist

  • Research and Reviews: Look for salons and stylists with positive reviews and a good reputation for hair care. Online reviews, recommendations from friends, and social media can be helpful resources.
  • Consultation: Schedule a consultation before undergoing any treatment. Discuss your hair type, previous treatments, and any concerns with the stylist.
  • Expertise and Experience: Choose a stylist with experience and training in the specific treatment you want. Verify their credentials and ask about their experience with your hair type.
  • Product Knowledge: Ensure the salon uses high-quality, professional-grade products. Ask about the ingredients and benefits of the products they plan to use on your hair.

Pre-Treatment Hair Care

  • Hydration and Nourishment: Deep condition your hair a week before any chemical treatment to strengthen and moisturize it. Treat your hair with an oil treatment or nutritious hair mask to prepare for the stress of salon operations.
  • Avoid Heat Styling: In the weeks before your salon visit, minimize the use of heat-styling tools like blow dryers and curling irons to prevent additional stress on your hair.
  • Healthy Diet: Maintain a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals, such as biotin, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids, perfect for hair health.
  • Scalp Care: Keep your scalp healthy by gently massaging it to improve blood circulation and using gentle, sulfate-free shampoos to avoid irritation.

Post-Treatment Hair Care

  • Moisturize and Condition: Apply deep conditioning treatments to strengthen and replenish moisture in your hair after any salon treatment. Leave-in conditioners and hair masks are particularly beneficial.
  • Gentle Handling: Be gentle when brushing or styling your hair. Use a wide-tooth comb to untangle damp hair, and avoid tight haircuts that could strain your hair strands.
  • Regular Trims: Schedule routine haircuts to eliminate split ends and prevent additional damage from escalating up the hair shaft.
  • Avoid Over-Washing: Wash your hair less frequently to preserve its natural oils. Opt for gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and avoid hot water, which can strip moisture from your hair.

Tips for Minimizing Damage from Chemical and Heat Treatments

  • Use Heat Protectants: Always apply heat protection before using heat-styling tools. This creates a barrier that reduces the risk of heat damage.
  • Lower Heat Settings: To minimize damage, use the lowest practical heat setting on styling tools and avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
  • Space Out Treatments: Give your hair ample time to repair between chemical treatments. Avoid overlapping treatments, such as coloring and perming, briefly.
  • Opt for Gentler Alternatives: Consider less damaging alternatives to traditional chemical treatments, such as ammonia-free hair dyes or low-heat keratin treatments.
  • Protect Your Hair: Wear a cap or scarf to protect your hair from the sun and wind, which can exacerbate the effects of chemical and heat treatments. Sunlight and pollution are examples of environmental factors.

Home Remedies and Professional Treatments

When dealing with hair loss or trying to strengthen and promote hair growth, a combination of home remedies and professional treatments can be very effective. This section will explore natural remedies like oils, masks, dietary changes, and professional treatments such as scalp treatments, PRP therapy, and low-level laser therapy.

Natural Remedies to Strengthen Hair and Promote Growth


  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil, well-known for its deep conditioning abilities, lowers protein loss in hair by penetrating the hair shaft. Regular use can help strengthen hair and prevent breakage.
  • Argan Oil: Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids, argan oil moisturizes the hair and scalp, promotes hair elasticity, and reduces frizz and breakage.
  • Castor Oil: The compound ricinoleic acid found in castor oil encourages hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help maintain scalp health.


  • Avocado Hair Mask: Avocados are rich in fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, which build and nourish hair. Apply mashed avocado to your hair along with a tablespoon of olive oil, and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes before washing.
  • Egg and Yogurt Mask: Eggs are packed with protein essential for hair strength and growth. Lactic acid, found in yogurt, helps to clean the scalp. Combine one egg and one cup of yogurt, then apply to the hair for 20 to 30 minutes before washing.
  • Banana and Honey Mask: Bananas contain silica, which helps strengthen hair, and honey is a natural humectant that retains moisture. Blend one banana with two tablespoons of honey and apply to hair for 15-20 minutes before rinsing.

Dietary Changes

  • Protein-Rich Foods: Since protein makes up most of hair, eating foods high in protein, such as eggs, lean meats, fish, and beans, can help maintain healthy hair.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Ensure your diet includes vitamins A, C, D, and E, along with zinc and iron. Leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and citrus fruits are excellent sources.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3s promote scalp health and reduce inflammation. Incorporate foods like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds into your diet.

Professional Treatments to Consider for Hair Recovery

Scalp Treatments

  • Scalp Massages: Regular scalp massages can improve blood flow, which helps the hair follicles receive more nutrients. Professional scalp treatments often include essential oils and specialized massage techniques.
  • Exfoliating Treatments: Scalp exfoliation removes dead skin cells and product buildup, promoting a healthy environment for hair growth. Professional treatments use gentle exfoliants and scalp scrubs.

PRP Therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma)

  • How It Works: After extracting a small amount of blood and processing it to concentrate the platelets, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the scalp. Growth factors included in platelets encourage hair growth and thickness.
  • Benefits: This treatment stimulates inactive hair follicles, increases hair density, and enhances the overall health of the scalp and hair. It’s minimally invasive and has shown promising results in clinical studies.

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

  • How It Works: LLLT uses red light wavelengths to stimulate hair follicles by penetrating the scalp. The light energy increases cellular activity and promotes hair growth.
  • Benefits: This treatment can improve hair density, thickness, and overall health. It’s non-invasive, painless, and can be done in a clinic or home with portable devices.


Can hair loss from salon treatments be reversed?

Yes, in many cases, hair loss from salon treatments can be reversed with proper care and treatment. It’s essential to stop the damaging treatments and consult with a dermatologist for personalized advice.

How can I determine if the reason for my hair loss is salon treatments?

Signs include increased shedding, noticeable thinning, and hair breakage shortly after a salon treatment. If these symptoms align with your recent salon visit, it’s likely the cause.

What are the safest salon treatments for my hair?

Treatments like semi-permanent hair color, low-heat styling, and conditioning treatments are generally safer. Always consult with your stylist about the gentlest options available.

How often should I get salon treatments to avoid hair loss?

The best approach is to limit chemical treatments to every 6-8 weeks and avoid excessive heat styling. Give your hair breaks between treatments to recover.

What products should I use to prevent hair loss after a salon treatment?

Use sulfate-free shampoos, deep conditioners, and leave-in treatments with biotin, keratin, and natural oils. Avoid harsh chemicals and excessive heat.


Hair loss after salon treatments can be a distressing experience, but understanding the causes and implementing effective preventive measures can help maintain the health and beauty of your hair. By choosing the right salon and stylist, adopting a thorough pre-treatment and post-treatment care routine, and utilizing natural and professional treatments, you can protect your hair from damage and promote its growth and strength. Taking immediate action at the first signs of hair loss and integrating these practices into your hair care regimen will enable you to enjoy salon treatments without compromising the health of your hair. Prioritize your hair’s well-being and seek professional advice when needed to ensure your hair remains vibrant and robust.

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